Helping employers start with Indeed

  • Experience redesign
  • Desktop
  • Mobile web
  • User research

Problem: Indeed employer account creation and onboarding experience hasn't been redesigned for a few years. It had a lot of unnecessary friction, didn't accommodate for complex needs of larger employers, and didn't include the necessary security steps.

Solution: We've created a new experience that decreased friction, addressed existing pain points, met basic security needs, and allowed users to join an existing team. After creating an account, employers saw an onboarding carousel with easy account set-up steps that helped them succeed.

Impact: 23% decrease in drop off rate, 42% increase in onboarding task completion.

My role: UX Designer in collaboration with Content Designer, Product Manager, and Engineers.

More on Process More on Final Design


Discovering the problem

In the existing experience, employers had to post a job to create an account on Indeed. But not all employers came to Indeed to post a job. In that case, they would either drop off, create a fake job, or have an Indeed rep create a fake job for them. Then, after creating an account, employers had to contact a customer success representative to finish the onboarding process.

There was also no easy way to join an existing team which led to the creation of many rogue accounts. In addition, there was a problem of fraud and account takeover.

account creation journey

Existing experience journey

Initial Data

43%signup flow drop off rate
92%users joining existing team
48%fraud contacts from large employers

"It [making onboarding process more self-serve] could free up time to do more consulting. Instead of manually helping us to set up accounts, they [Indeed reps] can do consulting with us, because they see so much data that comes across your platform." Employer about existing onboarding experience

two type of jobs

New account creation and onboarding flow

Brainstorming the flow

After doing the research, we've brainstormed the new flow for account creation. First, we eliminated the unnecessary friction of having to post a job and added the ability to join an existing team. We only kept the necessary steps in order to keep the process fast. We moved the rest of the steps to be available in the account onboarding experience after the account was created.

Onboarding concepts

We also came up with three concepts for the onboarding experience that came after. Those concepts were: a home page slideshow carousel with a slide for each task (1), a top horizontal scroll drawer displaying tasks as cards (2), and a floating list of tasks with a progress bar to motivate users to complete the steps (3). However, since we already had a left-hand and right-hand side drawer in the app, we decided not to proceed with the second concept.

two type of jobs

Onboarding experience concepts

two type of jobs

New onboarding concept based on two previous concepts

User research and iterations

We've conducted six moderated sessions with employers using Indeed. Some of the findings were:

  • The number of steps in the account creation flow was reasonable
  • Knowing the number of steps made participants more likely to finish
  • Participants wanted to add team members after exploring Indeed themselves
  • Participants liked checking tasks off the list and moving closer to 100% completion
  • Participants wanted a way to dismiss an onboarding task if it wasn't relevant

Participants liked different things about each of the onboarding concepts, so we combined the best parts of them into a new iteration. We also made other changes based on the feedback we've received.

MVP Solution

The new account creation experience includes a few essential steps upfront. A phone validation step helps to prevent account takeovers in the future. Asking for email and company name helps us determine whether the recruiter works for a company that is registered with Indeed. If they do, they can join that team. We also added personal touches like surfacing a fun fact about hiring in a specific area based on provided address. In addition, in-product onboarding includes five steps to help recruiters finish setting up their account. The onboarding starts at 20% completion to give users the illusion of progress and motivate them to complete the process.

View clickable prototype


23%decrease in drop off rate
35%decrease in fraudulent contacts
42%increase in onboarding task completion

"This [account creation flow] is super intuitive. It's nice. It's clean. You're helping me build my profile on the Indeed platform. It's great. I mean, super simple, super easy." Employer about new account creation experience